
•Bills of exchange, bonds and bullion
•Currency and coinage of any denomination, declared value or quantity
•Data tapes containing sensitive personal data
•Furs, fur clothing and fur-trimmed clothing
•Gems & stone
•Gold bullion (cut or uncut, coined or uncoined), cyanides, dust or sulfides
•Jewelry (other than costume jewelry)
•Money note
•Promissory notes
•Platinum and precious metals
•Securities, negotiable
•Silver bullion (cut or uncut, coined or uncoined), concentrates, cyanides, precipitates or sulfides
•Stamps and postage or revenue
•Stock certificates
•Watches (horological instruments, chronometers) Important note: validity of accepting above cargo subject to origin and destination port local law Please make sure shipments of extraordinarily high value meet the following requirements: •Provide an accurate and specific description on all documents.
•No indication of the nature of the contents or value should appear on the outer packaging.
•Shipments will not be accepted more than three hours before a scheduled flight's departure time.
•Shipments may only be picked up between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
•Cargo shipments valued above $500,000 USD or animal shipments valued above $1,500 USD should receive prior approval.
•Shipments must be packaged in sealed containers.
•Articles of high value may not be included in shipments with regular articles.
•Articles moving under carrier's customs bond must be tendered as a separate shipment from any other items that are not moving "in bond."
•The shipper must state in writing that the consignee will pick up the shipment within three hours after the scheduled flight's arrival time.
•An armored vehicle or vehicle with an armed guard may be hired and all charges will be attached to the shipment. There is no hesitation to contact us by email:[email protected] or whats app message to 852-65112424 for the enquiry. Our professional handling manner is your reliable on us.